Motherhood: The hardest blessing.

I love my children. I love my family.

there’s so much more there than what people see and I’m sure most (if not all) mothers can attest to the fact that motherhood is the most stressful, beautiful, blissful, thankless, sleepless and for a lot of us the most isolating blessing ever.

Would any of us change it? Probably not.
That however doesn’t discredit the fact that being a wife, a partner, a primary caregiver and Still remain an individual Is overwhelming.

Being the “glue” For an entire household isn’t for the faint of heart. Caring for the needs children, the daily demands of a household, providing love and nurture to those you love most and always putting yourself last.
There just simply isn’t enough hours in the day and sometimes that leaves you feeling defeated instead of accomplished.
Sometimes I celebrate just being able to get everyone through the hard days alive because that’s an accomplishment.
this intensifies when you work, don’t have a support system, suffer the isolation of a stay at home mom or have a disability that throws extra hurdles in your way.
No one ever wants to discuss the “mom guilt” we all feel at some point. “Are we doing enough?” Are “we doing this right?” “Will my kids grow up with the right values?” “Did I love my family enough today?”

Motherhood is hard, raw, brutal at times but we all want one common thing, we want what’s best for our families and we all hope that it’s us.

moral of the story,

there’s millions of parents all over the world, different cultures and a billion ways to do the same things but there’s no way to be a perfect parent, wife or person. Your family doesn’t want or NEED perfect they need you. So give them that and try your best to make it the best version of yourself possible. Do what fits your family best. You’re doing a great job.

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