Important Notice – Please Read

I would like to start this unfortunate statement with immense gratitude for nearly half a decade of wonderful partnerships, collaborations, and community that wouldn’t have been possible for Tatorthoughts without you. 

I regret to inform you that my family was involved in a Motor vehicle accident in late January and needless to say it’s changed many of our plans. 

I’m not at liberty to discuss this in much detail for obvious legal reasons but rest assured my family and I are blessed, in good spirits, and receiving the care we need. 

We appreciate your thoughtfulness and compassion as we work diligently to get back to 100% and move forward with our lives to make 2023 a wonderful year. 

I have several segments planned and I appreciate your grace and willingness to stick around for when they go live. They won’t disappoint!

However, it is currently very difficult for me to write and create graphics for content in my traditional fashion but as always I intend to give you all and Tatorthoughts my highest quality work & never anything less. 

Again we are extremely grateful and look forward to everything the remainder of 2023 and our half-decade anniversary has in store for us. 

Go be great today!

Xx Tator

Celebrating a milestone!

Tatorthoughts turns four!

•208 weeks

•1,460 days

•Countless posts

•1 server meltdown (that we survived!)

•More than 200 partnerships 

And thousands of loyal readers and supporters that none of this would be possible without!

Four years of what started as a simple idealistic dream of mine that QUICKLY turned into something I could’ve never imagined with over 20k people reading regularly, people and companies reaching out to me, friends made, partnerships built & so opportunities available to me that I would have never dreamed of. 

To say that I am shocked and thrilled is an understatement, I am so unbelievably blessed to be writing this to an incredible, extremely supportive audience four years to the day from when this all started… all because my husband believed in me and honestly believed the world would enjoy my thoughts on things, thus Tatorthoughts was born!

I am so incredibly thankful for all the wonderful partnerships and friends that I’ve made through this journey I’ve been able to do some amazing things that wouldn’t have been otherwise possible with my family and for myself in the process. I’m grateful that people read and take away good things from what I have to say and that I have a voice that’s bigger than myself. 

In today’s world, it’s really easy to get lost in what you think you should be or rather what others think you should be But if I’ve learned anything in the last four years it’s that embracing Tator (my real-life nickname) and becoming unapologetically her was one of the best things I had ever done because it didn’t matter what I looked like or what I didn’t look like, it didn’t matter that I have CP because I had something to say I had thoughts on a subject and people wanted to know what I thought. I was seen for more than a physical representation. In the process, I was able to break so many stereotypes that people willingly admitted to me that they carried because I don’t judge. everyone has a stereotype at some point that they believe or maybe even Portray and that’s OK because you only know what you know. 

I’m so proud of where I’ve been and how far I’ve come as a writer I truly do believe that embracing who I am and giving 100% authenticity here made me the best mom that I could be for my kids, it’s given me some of the best friends a girl could ever ask for and it’s allowed me to do things for my husband and for my kids that would’ve only been possible in my wildest dreams before I branched out and took the leap of faith it took to start this journey. 

It’s honestly hard to believe that it’s been four years already but what a beautiful four years it has been I hope 2022 continues to bring happiness and health for everyone who reads this and I’m hopeful that I can continue to bring insightful, uplifting joyous content to my platform in the year ahead and for years to come. 

Tatorthoughts has been such a blessing to me and to my family. I’ve received some wonderful feedback as well and that keeps me pushing to do more and to do better for the people who place value in this the way skeeter, myself and our children do. 

My writing has grown in depth and improved over the last four years so much so that I’ve taken the plunge and written & Co-illustrated my book for our children.

It was a daunting undertaking for me but I am so happy to say that I did it! we are currently illustrating the book and will be publishing it with Amazon KDP when complete. 

I can’t tell you how influential all my followers and partners have been In my life since this first began, I can’t wait to see where the next chapter of this journey takes us but I do know that if the last four years have been any indication it will be incredible my goal has always been to bring interesting content to the forefront of my website with the hopes of promoting advocacy acceptance and inclusion in all that I do. 

Representation matters!

Thank you all for making this endeavor possible and worth it!! 

I’ll be forever grateful for the memories 

-Xx Tator

Farewell to a Childhood favorite…

Arthur will officially come to a close after a record-breaking 25-year consecutive runtime this February. Making Arthur the longest-running children’s animated series in history. 

The brainchild of author Marc Brown, 

Arthur is the main character of a book series turned animated show. 

Marc Brown is the author of over 100 books including but not limited to the Arthur adventure series, step into reading books, and Arthur chapter books. 

This Book-Turned-TV series dates back to the 1970s with the earliest original books but As of March 10, 2021, Arthur has aired a total of 249 episodes and 7 specials. The series began airing on October 7, 1996 and will air its final new release episodes in February of 2022. 

they plan to end the 25 year Series with a few all-new episodes one of which including the Ellwood city gang we know & love all grown up!

Over its 25 year run, Arthur and his friends have experienced some pretty heavy-hitting and relatable things The series often deals with important issues families face such as asthma, Allergies, natural disaster aftermath, poverty, sibling rivalry, dyslexia, cancer, diabetes, and autism spectrum disorder.

(Go here to access Arthur health resources for your family! powered by ABC Mouse)

They also showcase the normalcy of different family dynamics including single children households, large families, children raised by grandparents, and the natural connection to distant relatives. 

if your kids love Arthur and show an interest in discovering their family history for better understand this game on pbs kids also helps! (Can be notified for foster & adoptive families and saved to device of choice once finished!!

Yet another way of promoting advocacy, acceptance, and understanding!

Arthur was so successful that it even gained a spinoff series “ postcards from buster” which started as a small Arthur segment, Originally airing from October 11, 2004, to February 20, 2012, has 4 seasons and showcases Buster Baxter’s adventures with his dad and normalized co-parenting and single-parent households through buster’s storyline throughout both series runs. 

They even covered big events such as the Olympics, opera & music, and creative arts!

The Arthur Tv series includes 249 episodes (485 segments)

While no new episodes will be produced or released, All episodes will remain available to stream on the PBS Kids video app as well as games remaining available to play on the PBS Kids website. You can even shop exclusive Arthur and other PBS Kids licensed merchandise here:

You can also still purchase Arthur books and others from Marc Brown from Amazon and other retailers and you can still check out these beloved books for your children or yourself from your local public library 

One bright side to this farewell is not only that The series will still be able to stream on-demand through the PBS KIDS Video app but that beginning February 16 PBS Kids and the PBS KIDS Video app will be running an all-day Arthur marathon for 6 days, featuring over 200 episodes leading up to the release of our last brand new adventure with our Ellwood city friends that we and our children grew up with finally getting to see the gang all grown up!

Is it bittersweet? of course!

However, seeing my children love something that I have loved in my whole life is a feeling that I can’t even describe with words. some may argue that Marc Brown and his messages were ahead of their time but there is no dispute that he and the characters in the world he created for us left a profound effect. everything he wrote was in one way or the other relatable he made sure that most everyone was well represented and could see themself as part of the Ellwood city crew. 

I appreciate his work and art form so much and as a parent who was once an Arthur-loving child, I say thank you. 

It’s an honor to know that as a parent and children’s book author myself that I stand at all in the same category as someone such as him. 

As a man in his 70’s, father of 4 wildly successful Author and illustrator, and executive creators & producer of something so profoundly responsible for breaking so many barriers for children like I was and my own kids I would argue that he’s left an incredible living legacy of magic even if this chapter is sadly coming to an end.  

it speaks volumes that after 25 years people are still not ready for it to end a quarter of a century and somehow it still wasn’t long enough. THANK YOU. 

It’s an honor to know that while I never pictured myself being an author or illustrator as a kid, I stand here today one just the same and I can’t help but believe this man had an incredible impact on me becoming that.

I’ll never forget learning to draw the Arthur character’s straight from marc brown himself as a recorded endcap to episodes over the years, it’s now become a huge skill and great “party trick” among the kids in my life especially my own!

work is going in behind the scenes!

You guys are probably wondering what I’ve been up to…

Well to answer that simply aside from being a wife, mom & boss keeping certifications current and becoming the magic in Christmas while maintaining my position as the glue of my family I’ve been working on custom decor, magic photo edits and lining up some great content for tatorthoughts coming in 2021! Featuring a fabulous segment partnership with custom cuddle blankets! [you don’t wanna miss this!] 

I also just wanna say thank you to all my followers and readers, you have all made this little dream a grand investment over the past few years and have all been along on my greatest journey yet. I’m extremely grateful for you all and have been blessed to chase my dreams and do what I love while partnering with incredible companies and owners along the way.

Cheers to a better year ahead! 

Remember to make the most of what you’re given, be thankful and have faith. We’re gonna make it through this life including this pandemic together, nothing lasts forever!

Please do what you can to stay safe & in good spirits. 

Xx Tator.