It’s officially Fourth of July weekend and it’s time for outfits that fit the occasion!

Matching patriotic sibling outfits!

2022 has been one of our family’s best years yet, it’s obviously not without hard work though so when we have a reason to celebrate anything we do it and we do it right. You’ll know I’m a mom that is extra AF when it comes to celebrating literally anything – my family doesn’t call me Beverly Goldberg for nothing!

From day one of my children’s lives I’ve always been THAT mom…

•The mom that customizes everything I possibly can.

•The mom that coordinates holiday & themed outfits every time.

•The mom that has been coined the queen of personalization. 

And I don’t regret a second! Of course, I know one day all of this will come to an end with my kids no longer wanting to do that and it’s fine, but right now they love it and I love being festive and even when it’s over I know I’ll at least have these countless holiday memories and precious family photo shoots to look back on and smile.. it’s really just my thing and I love that they love it too!

So for the Fourth of July 2022 nothing has changed! We went with an adorable unisex shirt from unique baby on Amazon for my son & a FEDPOP American flag dress for my daughter both of which I love! Remember you don’t have to dress your children of either gender the exact same way for them to match.

I love this shirt for my son and I love that he can also wear this to school and represent the values that we’ve tried so hard to instill in our children by doing so yes I’m fully aware that he’s only three, however, good values start young.

The links to purchase these items from Amazon are below: 

Flag dress: 

FEDPOP Toddler Girls American Flag Dresses Independence Day Outfits Kids Patriotic Clothes 4th of July Stripe Dress 2-8 Years

Unisex liberty shirt:

Unique Baby Unisex Kids Patriotic American 4th of July T-Shirts

Remember it doesn’t matter your title to a child whether you are a parent, an aunt, a grandparent,  A foster family, Or anything that makes you family by love or by blood you can make a difference in their lives. You have the power to make every day special, you only have 18 summers, only so many holidays., Make them count. 

I’m fully aware holidays can be hard, so celebrate to your heart’s content or don’t. 

Do what best suits your needs but please remember while you’re out there living your best life it’s always better to ask for a ride or call a ride service rather than drink and drive. it takes a split second to change your life forever and end someone else’s. Please don’t be the reason someone doesn’t come home this weekend. Don’t drink and drive. 

Xx – Tator

Birthdays can be both beautiful and hard on the heart

**I’m well aware that this won’t resonate with everyone but I wouldn’t be doing my heart, my children, or my story justice without sharing it. I’m nothing if not unapologetically authentic.**

Now that I’ve successfully celebrated my children’s birthdays for 2022 I’ve had a chance to sort my feelings, this isn’t to say these feelings are clean-cut, rainbow-colored visions of happiness that fit neatly into boxes because I’ll tell you that couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

We’ve done the birthday photos, I’ve made the posters, custom ordered cakes bought all the gifts, and every other detail that goes into celebrating another year with 2 incredible humans 3 months apart. 

I dive in head first going above and beyond even topping my best because they deserve it, they’ll always deserve it but as I’ve said many times before it’s extremely hard to watch your children grow and thrive every day, never missing a day and still feel like while the days are long the years are so incredibly short. Conceptually I know I only get 18 birthdays, 18 of each holiday, And 18 summers if I’m lucky before they’re no longer children and I’m aware that so many parents and families get even less time. 

While I’m grateful for every moment I won’t say those moments are easy. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t parent through the Lens of loss and trauma from it. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with that though.

Things are different when you’re the one who keeps memories alive so dates and days that should have been often get the better of me. 

I do my best not to let my pain shadow the celebration of the life we have with Raiden & S.p.  But it is a constant in our lives. It’s a part of my motherhood story and the parental origin story of my husband. If anything the fact that we carry such big feelings constantly drives us to do and be better by the day, especially on big ones like birthdays and holidays.

While I grieve for love lost I also see how blessed we are with every second. 

I study my children’s faces, their speech, and each step because I know tomorrow they’ll be just ever so slightly older. 

I’ll always long for the babies they were but I’m so blessed to watch them grow and thrive by the day. As cliché as it may sound I love getting to meet them and know more about them EVERY SINGLE DAY yes I’ve known them every second of their lives but each day they become a little bit more of who they are supposed to be and I’m just glad that I get to play a part in that it’s one that I don’t take lightly my kids are my everything and I know every parent everywhere with half a heart can relate.

My kids are my driving force for everything I do. They are my greatest adventures and my best contributions to the world by far. 

My children are heaven-sent gifts for my husband and me and we couldn’t ask for anything better. 

The hope I have for these children is immeasurable. The pride I feel grows by the day though I always believe it’s impossible. 

I’ll never be able to put the caliber of my love for them into words though I’ll never stop trying. I simply hope they know it. 

I know they’re still little, they’ve only turned 3 & 2 but each year hits my heart with a wave of sadness, confusion, and joy. 

Sadnesses that yet another chapter has ended and we’ll never be back there again, confused as to how it all happened so soon, and absolute joy because while one chapter ended another- the next year has begun. 

Meaning, that each day, week, and month in this chapter is an opportunity to do more, be more, and spend even more time making memories. That’s a blessing!

Every parent wants their children to have the best in life possible and that looks different for everyone. All my kids’ needs are met, they’re growing and succeeding in life, and they have nice things but that’s not everything. I want my children to have experiences, an abundance of love, and unwavering felt safety. The most important of which money could never buy. 

I’m completely aware that this is a long sappy post, but sometimes the things no one talks about are the ones we should be talking about!

Grief, gratitude, and happiness can and often do go hand & in hand. It doesn’t make you ungrateful or any less blessed to put a name to your feelings and allow yourself to feel them in your own time and space. 

That’s the point of this post, honoring all the emotions that come up around birthdays and empowering those like my family who have to feel it all. You are not alone. 

Should my children ever read this I hope they’d take away my love and admiration for them from all that I’ve said. 

I’m beyond grateful for the last half-decade of my life because it brought me my wildest dreams come true! My website, two healthy pregnancies, my children, my marriage, countless precious memories, and the book I’m writing to honor it all simply because my children deserve to have their stories told. 

Life is truly beautiful sometimes we just have to go through some of the most unimaginable pain and situations to truly see how precious and genuinely perfect even the most minuscule obscure things are. 

So with that, I wish my beautiful, healthy, kind, caring, intelligent, incredible children a happy 2nd and 3rd birthdays. 2022 is only halfway through and it’s been a beautiful adventure so far 

Hoover WindTunnel 2 Whole House Rewind: Spring cleaning – A purchase I wish I’d made sooner

If you know the family behind tatorthoughts at all, & if you’ve been here for a while you do you know that our go to for large purchases or important appliances & electronics is Best Buy. 

This week was no exception. 

After more than 3 years In our all hardwood home with the exception of the plethora of rugs we own I was absolutely burnt out over struggling to sweep.  Those with wood floors know the struggle needless to say sweeping multiple times a day was much more than a chore. 

I headed into Best Buy kid free for a moment 

Which rarely happens with only my husband and dreams of spotless floors in tow. 

I was a mama on a mission:

Obtain the thing that would decrease my ever growing daily to do list by at least 3!

I thought I wanted a bissell to match my hand held pet pro that I’ve loved since I got it only to discover something that better fit our needs & to my surprise at a better price!

This delightful creation being The Hoover WindTunnel 2 Whole House Rewind with Allergen Block

I opened it as soon as the box touched our living room rug

-It was well packaged and in several pieces.

-Smelt very strongly of new plastic and rubber which I didn’t mind because I’m one of the few who enjoy that smell (comparable to the smell of new tires.)

-packaging was informative and attractive on all sides which was a plus for me as someone who values marketing and aesthetic graphics on product packaging. 

-even with my physical limitations and dexterity challenges it took me less than 6 minutes to assemble everything by myself. 

I used it for the first time that same day and was both delighted and oddly disgusted over how well it worked on what I thought to be clean floors.

The cord has an incredible reach, and the fact that it is tangle free and retractable living within the machine is a major plus for us.  It’s a Super convenient feature!

I didn’t find the vacuum to be too bulky or heavy like reviews of others have stated and

I wasn’t too bothered by the noise level although it was louder than I initially expected, both my toddler and preschooler slept through it completely unbothered.

I like that I can change suction and performance type by using a dial and go from rugs to hardwood seamlessly. 

It comes with multiple attachments that work well for their intended purpose and there’s no loss of suction with use. 

It’s easy to empty the contents and allergen filter Maintainance is simple. 

All in all for a $180 purchase I’m extremely satisfied. 

It won’t replace my desire to mop daily with my O-Cedar ProMist MAX Microfiber Spray Mop, but that’s simply by personal preference and the fact that I have small children who spend more time than most in our floors. 

Tatorthoughts is now a proud addition to Hoover nation and the Hoover whole house rewind family! 

A very JCPenney Christmas

We ended 2021 in an eventful way stepping out of our comfort zone and doing something we hadn’t done before.

We visited JCPenney portraits not once but twice in the span of a month because Tator does what Tator wants. I’ve always been considered a “shutter bug” and it was no surprise to anyone around me that I wanted to book professional portraits. you could probably say I’ve done 20 sessions since my children came Earthside but these were my first with JCP. 

We weren’t quite sure what to expect and went into everything knowing that it may not work out, especially since I have two very active yet reserved children with their own set of issues not to mention my own unorthodox set of challenges. 

But to our pleasant surprise, they were extremely accommodating and welcoming even though we were anything but calm during the sessions. 

My relationship with my grandmother is bar none I don’t know anyone who has a relationship like we do but I will say that after all she has done for me it gave my heart such joy to be able to surprise her with a four-generation photo shoot at JCPenney portraits paid for by my husband and me. 

It was a dream of mine growing up to have good family photos including everyone that I love and unfortunately that didn’t become a reality until I became an adult myself so I made it a point to make sure that my children never had to long for what I desperately wanted. 

It was a joy to document for generations with the third and fourth being my children and me. 

More of a gift for me to be able to give something so special to the people that mean so much to me. My Grandmaw and my children, celebrating the importance of lineage, and the family connection so strong across 4 generations. 

I’m happy to report that I was concerned about the outcome of the pictures for nothing because this gift and the following Christmas card shoot with just our immediate family went off without a hitch. 

The purchasing process was very simple, the quality of the photos was impeccable, 

And we had plenty of opportunities to purchase after the session as well with each gallery lasting 90 days in the Lifetouch shop. 

We will definitely be long-term return customers, especially to our Mall of Georgia location JCPenney portraits. 

Their affiliation with Lifetouch and willingness to go above and beyond to get the pictures that every family deserves is one of their biggest selling points

As a parent, I understand the desire to pause time and sit in a moment. 

Savoring the little things before they quickly become a memory and JCP portraits does a fabulous job of making the impossible a reality. Capturing moments, freezing them- perfectly preserved in time because babies simply don’t keep. 

Every family regardless of their struggles and challenges deserves that level of care and representation. I’m so thankful that we weren’t seen as an obstacle or challenge but instead an adventure and an opportunity to candidly photograph big bright personalities and celebrate our individuality. 

This is definitely the start of a yearly Christmas tradition for us as we plan to make Christmas cards a yearly staple of our family festivities. 

Thanks JCP!

happy holidays from The Tatorthoughts family to yours! we’ll see you in 2022!

New school shoes for Raiden: an Amazon score & Sensory processing win.

Any parent knows back to school means multiple things; a season change (literally and metaphorically) ,and a major shopping trip being two of the first to come to mind. 

Aside from the supply lists that change every year and the new backpacks & lunchboxes kids always need new shoes. 

 In my personal experience we’re buying our kids shoes 3-4x a year about once a season if you will, I know it’s because they’re little and grow so fast at this stage but even with older kids 2-3x per year seems to be the norm. 

With that being said, can you guess what we did? That’s right! Raiden got new shoes!

This is the kid who’s feet are like lava 90% of the time, he’s not a huge fan of tight shoes or certain fabrics but we’ve been blessed to find him several pairs of shoes from different brands that he loved, he wore these things until his feet simply wouldn’t fit into the shoes, cute but hard to explain to a very particular toddler. 

As much as he loved his Oshkosh bump toe shoes, ikiki squeaky shoes and monster loafers from Carters when he started to outgrow his most recent pair of all-terrain quick drying simi-flexible hiking shoes we started looking for a pair similar to what he’s loved in the past. Which lead us to these on Amazon.  Sold by KIZWANT these size 9 canvas sneakers are one of nine style options and of course we went with sharks because our boy loves sharks and shoes!

Amazon has its perks for sure, but with some things it’s buyer-beware at best this isn’t one of those! Let me tell you these were an instant win with Raiden! He’s in between sizes so these fit great with room to grow and when I tell you I followed that store as fast as I possibly could so we can order more for him later I was probably just as excited as he was! All parents want to see their kids happy and well cared for but it’s a huge thing when parents of kids with sensory issues see that kind of happiness in their children after such a struggle with something so necessary as shoes. 

These shoes are still sturdy enough for any activity he’d do, the lightweight shoe with flexible sole and flattering design was everything we were looking for and then some!

If you’re interested in ordering some for your child, most of these styles are gender-neutral and have a 10-20% off coupon from time to time, depending on style & size selection.  You can find them directly using the link below:

Fisher-Price Healthy Care Booster Seat Product Review!

When you hear “fisher price” what’s the first thing to come to mind?

It may be your own memories of childhood toys, their commercials, or their quality but the company founded more than 9 decades ago is so much more than the toys they develop that surely became a staple in most of our lives as parents and children ourselves. 

In honor of fisher prices 91st anniversary on June 19th I’m showcasing two incredible FP products that aren’t toys! Are they a toy manufacturer? Absolutely, are they education & development oriented? Of course! But they’re also makers of baby & toddler gear such as swings, high chairs, booster seats, bath tubs & so much more!

My son and daughter who most of you know are 14 months apart used the same multi directional swing made by none other than Fisher-Price! 

Having kids so close in age has its perks for sure & was perfect for our family although it’s not for everyone, but just when I thought our house couldn’t be more overrun by at least 1 of everything Fisher-Price I realized, we NEEDED something that Raiden & Sawyer didn’t have, high chairs we could take on the go!

Don’t get me wrong we had high chairs, Three of them to be exact. before we ever purchased our take along set however they were at home seats Two Graco brand, one of which is a multi piece table height adjustable traditional high chair that is portable but not small space friendly we learned this the hard way hauling it to and from Raiden’s first birthday party at almost 7 months pregnant  and one 6-in-1 high chair, booster and table combo which Raiden got at his first birthday party that very same day. Both are great but have their drawbacks and they’re more suitable for at home use, at least for our family specifically.  Sawyer’s home high chair however, was a baby shower gift and it’s a fisher price in chair booster too! But that’s not the one we’re featuring today.. as great as it is and as much as we love it it wasn’t feasible to transport that seat everywhere we went either. The fabric seat cover would get easily dirty, it’s bulky and doesn’t make sense to drag it everywhere we went either especially not during a pandemic. 

We needed something safe to use at home as well as something sturdy, compact, and lightweight for on the go once we  re-emerged after a year inside but easy to clean was also a must to cut down on germs. 

Which brings me to today’s review! 

(Finally right?! Tator get to the point!)

I found everything I was searching for and then some! And it’s no surprise they’re FP products!

**Below I will include stock product photos and IRL use photos taken of my kids, living their best lives thanks to FP. **

Fisher-Price® Healthy Care™ Booster Seat (Sawyer’s on the go seat)

Product#: BMD93

Released in 2013

The Fisher-Price® Healthy Care™ Booster Seat has a feeding tray you can sanitize right in the dishwasher, all of the surfaces can easily be wiped and disinfected, there are no crevices to hide crumbs or spills therefore the seat harbors no bacteria! Front and rear seat straps adjust to help you fit the seat on almost any chair! Folds compactly for portability, with a carry strap so you can take everywhere baby goes and this Tray and seat back remove for easy conversion to a portable toddler booster seat! 

•A great fit for most dining and kitchen chairs.

•Dishwasher-safe feeding tray. 

•Adjustable 3-point harness, so your precious little one is always snug!

•Folds for portability with convenient over-the-shoulder carry strap, which comes in handy especially when you’re carrying more than one seat, or child! (speaking from experience here!)

Item arrives in frustration-free, easy-to-open packaging that’s 100% recyclable. which I think is great but the packaging appearance leaves something to be desired, but recyclable cardboard is cardboard so I really can’t complain. It definitely doesn’t take away from the item itself or the gift ability of the item! These things are a baby shower staple gift now, coming from someone who’s had multiple showers herself!

This seat is perfect for Sawyer, gender neutral colors, easy to clean, set up, & fold down and it’s even better for accommodating her size! Sp is a very tall yet light and small statured baby girl at 19lbs and more than 32 inches. (she turned ONE, the day before FP turned 91!)

Fisher-Price® Healthy Care™ Deluxe Booster Seat 

(Raiden’s on the go seat)

Product#: BMD97

Released:  2013

The Healthy Care™ Deluxe Booster Seat has a feeding tray you can sanitize in the dishwasher, with a snap-on lid so the tray stays clean wherever you go! Three height adjustments allow for a custom fit to any table; front and rear seat straps adjust to fit almost any chair! Folds compactly for portability, with a carry strap so you can take it anywhere. Tray and seat back remove for easy conversion to a portable toddler booster seat. 

•Snap-on lid keeps feeding tray clean.  

•Built-in cup holder.  

•Removable compartmented serving space. 

•3 height adjustments. 

IN  ADDITION TO all the qualities listed for Sawyer’s seat! 

These seats are essentially the same, one just has additional features and therefore is the upgraded version but for all intent & purposes we got both!

we love Raiden’s seat because like Sawyer‘a booster accommodates her the deluxe booster accommodates Raiden! My nearly 4-foot-tall, almost 40lbs 2 year old. (27 months to be exact)

we love that these boosters are versatile and either seat can be used by either child!
we used them multiple places & events in addition to the fact that my wonderful mother in law currently has the seats so that the kids are 100% prepared to go hang out with Mimi & papa at any time!

I’ve made a lot of great purchases as a parent but I have to say, these are probably two of the best products we own for them!

This just proves fisher price has been on their A-Game for a very long time! Yes these seats were released in 2013 but they have stood the test of time! And yes we have family members that had these seats as well as earlier models so clearly they’re worth the $27 & $35 USD respectively! 

If you’re interested in purchasing either model you can find them both on Amazon and at target as well as directly from!

You can find these boosters and several other models including sp’s at home booster by clicking on the link below! ⬇️⬇️ (You’re welcome!)

Disney On Ice 2021- The EXPERIENCE

On April 18 my family and I attended the 3 PM showing of Disney on ice – dream big at our local infinite Energy Arena. When they say they bring magic to the ice they mean it it was a magical experience for my entire family and I’m thankful to field entertainment for providing it. Well, we did not get our tickets for free they were kind enough to give us professional images afterward. We attended the show the day my daughter turned 10 months old and my son had just turned two a month earlier. 

It was their first time experiencing anything like that especially since my daughter was born during the Covid pandemic. 

However, it was well worth it. So many first took place that day and I’m so thankful we were able to attend as a family. 

My family is extremely Disney-centric, though I must admit this was also my husband and I’s first time attending a Disney on-ice performance. 

It was a comfort to know that I knew all the songs into realizing that my son recognized them all as well. 

It’s hard to describe the atmosphere, One moment you’re sitting in a normal arena the next you’re completely immersed in a Disney universe complete with snow and even fire on the ice. It’s like you’re living the beloved stories that you know well and keep in your heart!

While I’m sure it was different because of COVID-19 precautions the pod seating was nice. My son had room to stand up and dance something I’m not sure he would’ve been able to do under other circumstances. I am so glad we participated in the free order of merchandise it was well worth it as the lines were so long it was hard to even attempt to do anything else if we hadn’t. 

I’m pretty sure we went home with nearly everything they had to offer.  it was just too good to resist but we did spend more than I would’ve expected. We bought four Icee cups, ( One Ariel, Anna and Elsa, and two Olaf cups) Popcorn with a collector’s bucket, cotton candy with a Mickey crown,

A frozen light wand, A Disney on ice scrapbook, three official collectors programs, A coloring book, and a Disney on ice reusable shopping bag. 

Like I said we invested. 

It was my son’s first time eating cotton candy and icees so for that alone it was worth it. 

We also participated in a staged photo. It didn’t turn out the greatest but then again nothing ever does when you have two very excited and slightly confused Irish twins. 

However, the photo in the frame will be something my family cherishes for quite a while. It’s been a very memorable experience and while my children might be too young to remember for very long my husband and I will remember forever. We’re blessed that we’re able to take our kids to do things like this and understand that not all families are as lucky. But if you have your doubts or question whether it’s worth it, I would say go for it without a doubt. At the very least you walk away making memories with your family and to me, that’s more priceless  & precious than anything. 

Masks were required unless taking commemorative photos or actively eating and drinking. 

The show ran for about two hours with an intermission. 

We saw the stories of Moana, frozen, the little mermaid, Aladdin, tangled, Cinderella, and sleeping beauty. There were also several guest appearances by other Disney favorites like Mickey and Minnie!

The show was very beautifully put together you can tell how much dedication and work had been put into everything. The set itself that stayed consistent on the ice was rather simple but they made up for it for the several floats that made their way around the ice like Moana‘s boat and Cinderella‘s carriage!

I must say field Entertainment did a wonderful job with this and may have even outdone themselves!

We’re looking forward to other FEI events in the future, such as monster trucks. however, I wouldn’t say no to attending another Disney on ice show. 

It was beautifully done and my children enjoyed the experience very much. By the time it was over they were restless my daughter had even fallen asleep my son was hungry and we knew it was time to go eat so we took the opportunity to go eat as a family with 4 generations. My grandmother,!my mother, my husband & myself and our children. Attending dream big gave me a ton of ideas for our daughter’s princess-themed first birthday party that we’re gearing up for in June!

Again I’m so glad we got to experience this with both of them after all I don’t know what my life would be like without my babies. 

We are blessed beyond measure and so thankful for these memories I’d like to give a huge shout out to field entertainment for making sure that even if my kids are too young to remember they always have spectacular photos to look back on! And for allowing me to share some of those with you *all rights to these professional photos belong to FEI*

Dream big is a show that proves everyone loves Disney everyone has a story and everyone can be a hero Princesses, Princes, Superheroes, villains everyone regardless of their background has an origin story and I can’t wait for my children to be able to tell their own. Disney magic was brought to the ice with snow fire pyrotechnics and pure joy erupted from the audience making it a truly once-in-a-lifetime kind of unforgettable
Sent from my iPhone

our mothers day…

Today is bereaved Mother’s Day this is something most people don’t think about unless they have a reason to unfortunately I have three reasons. Those three reasons are the children who made me a mom before the world recognized me as one. I am a mom in many ways biological, bonus, angel. 

But more often than not, only one of those is recognized.  Can you guess which? This is a very hard thing for me to talk about but it’s real, it’s raw, It’s part of my testimony and it’s something People deserve to see because my story might give another mama hope or peace. I am not ashamed. I am simply part of a club no parent ever wants to join. I am bereaved. I am blessed beyond measure but on days like today, I am broken, grieving for the lives I created but never got to know here on earth.  I grieve what would have been, what should have been but what simply isn’t. Today is my Mother’s Day too. My arms may not be empty but there are spaces in my heart that forever will be. 

I stand with every mom remembering their children today and speaking their names in a world that would still prefer we didn’t. 

To the children and babies of any age that made us moms, we haven’t forgotten you, we love you and wouldn’t trade the joy and honor of being your moms for anything. We are grateful for our surviving children but they don’t replace their siblings or lessen the grief we feel. which of your children could you stand to lose?

we know how fragile life is, we know how quickly things can change and if love could’ve saved you you would have lived forever. 

we always remember, today the world does too. 

International bereaved Mother’s Day

The cold hard truth..

I can’t pause my pregnancy to ride out the covid19 pandemic, I have begged, pleaded & prayed that this would all be over by now.. but with just 74 days to go before I welcome my daughter, I mourn the death of a dream.
The dream of having my loved ones by my side after my surgery, the dream of announcing her name to the world with a hospital door sign, the dream of having hospital newborn and family photos taken.
I mourn the dream of giving birth to at least one of my children with any kind of normalcy.
Now, instead of preparing with excitement I prepare hesitantly knowing that if she needs the nicu for any reason no one, not even her father & myself will be permitted to be with her at all which as many of you may remember would be vastly different than our sons 11 day nicu stay last year..
I’ll never get this time back.
I don’t get to redo my daughters birth.
I am bitter this virus has cheated me out of so much, I am afraid for my children, I am filled with guilt from the dread I feel having to leave my son and not seeing him until I return home and I feel guilty for dreading her arrival even in such uncertainty.
Make no mistake, I love my children and I know how incredibly blessed I am to have them especially after the journey we faced to get to them but my heart still breaks for what I wish could’ve been.. no mother should face this.
Today I choose thankful positivity, I may not have control over anything else but I will prepare for her with great faith instead of all consuming fear.
Xx -Tator

Foundations are formed in the most unexpected of places..

Y’all don’t understand.
I was an aunt before I was anything else. My entire being that became who I am today was formed on the foundation of someone looking up to me.
My nieces & nephews were my friends. They were my kids before I had my own kids. Anyone who truly knows me can tell you I breathe for these kids. Some I’ve been there for since before the day they were born, some came swooping into my life unexpectedly when I became a part of Corey’s life and some just found their way to me because they were supposed to for the better of everyone. I couldn’t imagine my life without the 12 of them. Nor would I ever want to. Seeing the way they all love my son, not only like the cousin he is but like a brother and seeing the way they light up with excitement over my daughter melts my heart like a blowtorch on chocolate.
Now, Of course I love that my children are well loved but it does my heart such good to see them pouring love into others like I poured it into them.
I am many many things, not all of them pleasant but I will always be a mother and an aunt before anything else.
I may never be perfect and I didn’t hang the moon but even on my worst of days I’m still who they look to. I couldn’t be more proud or more blessed with the children god has given me the opportunity to love and influence for such a long time, in such a big way. This is proof that biology, timing and circumstance mean nothing. Love is greater than anything.

that’s just my thoughts on the subject,

xx Tator